Monday, June 27, 2011

your flagging leader...


We may have a plan.  Chris P has joined the group and has graciously accepted the idea of having a soiree at her home for Melanie. I have not discussed this with her after the several drinks we shared at a location not to be mentioned.  All we have to do is locate her (Melanie) or an address to send her an invite.  I think she will be thrilled to have some contemporaries to talk with and also some mild adoration from people who aren't just interested in Antonio.  I would like to see this come to pass as we do not have any idea how much longer she will remain here in our very hot (temperature) town.  I don't know who to tell to get on it, but I strongly suggest someone "GET ON IT"!!!

 Further, I have a little bit of a bone to pick with our Norman fellowship.  As everyone knows, etiquette has reached a new low in our lifetime with the appearance of the cell phone.  Never have so many people been so ill mannered with so little a piece of electronics, or whatever it is.  One cannot shop peacefully at Wal Mart without hearing about some illiterate nincompoop's life with her tatooed boyfriend or what sort of jockey shorts some sad individual is buying for their dirtbag husband.

  Yet!!!!! Melanie Griffith continues to appear time after time in our little (very stifling) town and these cell phone addicts who cannot stay off the gd phone while you and I are trying to have a peaceful mani pedi or peruse the shelves at Barnes and Noble, have suddenly been unable to text or call their (so called) friends and family to announce a siting!  I call this UNACCEPTABLE and am beginning to have a real fury against these people.  What the hell is going on??? 

Shannon, not meaning to call you out, come on, could you not have called or texted your "friends" while you were at Franchesca's????  I mean Becky, were your hands frozen????  Trudy, do you not go to the bathroom and call everyone you know?  Where is the fricking loyalty here???  I, for one, (as Mary -the other one- would say) would be calling and texting like a lunatic if I had a siting that looked like more than five minutes.  You folks are somewhat of a disappointment!!! 

On the one hand we are so grateful that you have seen the actress and can actually verify her presence ...  and how she smells.  On the other hand we are thinking ... why didn't they call???  It's a mixed emotion thing.  We are a little bit pissed off. Yes, granted, we are lazy and hot and cannot conceive of actually tracking this person or "persons" (we have no idea at this point) ourselves, yet we want to be included in the experience when someone actually has a viewing.  We feel we are owed this because we are the ones, presumably, who got the whole hysteria going ... Throw us a bone!!!  Call us, or call someone who can call us ... we are desperate here!  Just  a"Shout Out" to all those who are so caught up in their selfish lives that they forget to summon their elders or crazy people who want to know...

Your flagging leader,

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