Monday, June 27, 2011

basketball and gambling... whatever it takes.

So sorry team,

I have been "asleep at the wheel". I sent a few of the e-mails to Emily to see if she had any sightings or scoop from OKC. She reminded me that she told me she sat by the director at one of the playoff Thunder Games. Said he was very nice and filming in Norman at the Riverwind Casino-maybe other spots-not sure. She said they loved the playoff games-went to all of them - so at least the director, etc (maybe not the stars) have been in the area awhile. Maybe a swing by Riverwind to cool off and play a few slots might be helpful!! When my neighbor gets back from Tenn. I will definitely assign her to Riverwind since she is there almost daily and has great detective skills!! I apologize once again for being such a "movie star dud". This will be great therapy for me!



  1. Note to self .... I did not skewer our beloved Connie (who would never hurt a gnat) at this point because she was seriously preoccupied with a dear friend's health situation. However, otherwise I would have blown the lid off the whole " asleep at the wheel" story!!!! Who the hell forgets that their drop dead gorgeous daughter was seated next to an honest to God, genuine Hollywood director??? At a Thunder basketball game?? And that he told her he was filming in NORMAN and the Riverwind Casino (info we could have used desperately at the time)? The other issue I have with our darling Connie is that I have a truly fabulous man for said drop dead gorgeous daughter ... who is now getting his MBA at the University of Chicago on top of his degrees from Harvard and O.U. ... and he is very good looking and funny and nice ... I am sure she has forgotten about that also. Heaven forbid we leave our lives and fortunes in the hands of this woman, as wonderful as she is.

    Belated tongue-lashing for our precious Connie ... God love her.

  2. Thank you Mary for clarifying all the above!! I agree, Connie really?
